Browbands Can Be Fun – Especially Browbands With Bling!

Gemini looks handsome in his “conservative” browband.

One of my favorite purchases to make for my horses (or is it really for me?… hmmmm) is browbands, especially browbands with bling!

I love the elegant look of the Granny Smith Galloped” Crystal Browband. This beautiful browband is timeless and classic as well as sturdy and well made. It features genuine Swarovski crystals and is available in either brown or black in many sizes!

I have 2 horses of my own and so far I have 6 different browbands with bling for them ๐Ÿ™‚ That is in addition to the “regular” browbands that came with their bridles.

browband for horses
Check out this gorgeous browband on Amazon by clicking the picture!

Two of them have been gifts. (Thank you Joanne, they are among my most treasured possessions!) One even gets kept in a velvet bag when not in use.

I like to say that my horse, Gemini, wears orange when he’s feeling flamboyant and purple when he’s feeling regal ๐Ÿ™‚ So, it is immensely fun to accessorize him.

In the photo on the upper left he is wearing one ofย  his more “conservative” browbands for a clinic with Walter Zettl. I wanted him to look nice but not too flashy…plus the clear crystals go with any saddle pad or riding shirt!

If you’re feeling patriotic you might go for this red white and blue browband!

Chip’s color is burgundy and my favorite color is green. So among the three of us we have lots to choose from.

Browbands with bling are a great way to express your personality, particularly in the discipline of dressage where everything is so traditional and formal much of the time!

I really like dressage but I like it even better when I can have fun with which dressage browbands my horse is wearing. I love to have something that sparkles on my horse.

There are TONS of choices among browbands, and even the browbands with bling run a wide range from conservative to flashy to patriotic. For patriotic try the Ovation Patriotic Browband offered on Amazon.

If you aren’t comfortable with entering the show ring in your bling attire you can opt to just use it for “schooling” instead.

Be sure, if you are wearing it in the show ring, to be well prepared and performing your best. I can’t imagine anything much more embarrassing than drawing “extra” attention to yourself and your horse by accessorizing, only to put on a sub-par performance ๐Ÿ™ …I guess that’s why I use my more conservative browbands for shows, lol.



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